Page name: HIM obsessed freaks [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-09 19:39:53
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HIM lyrics -Still adding...

HIM obsessed members -Add yourself here!

100 MEMBERS!!!

HIM pics -Yummy pictures of the band.

More HIM stuff -Whatever...




Mige Amour, Emerson Burton, Lily Lazer, Ville Valo, and Gas Lipstick!!!!!!!!

Still with Juska... loving the open shirt!


Members of HIM:

Ville Valo- Lead Singer/Songwriter(sexy! and brillaint!!)
Lily Lazer- Guitarist (Frontman of Daniel Lioneye and the Rollers)
Mige Amour- Bassist (has no hygine)
Emerson Burton- Keyboardist (likes cowboy hats)
Gas Lipstick- Drummer (huge Slayer fan!)


(I hope you don't get mad at me [Sombre] its cool and I'll take it down if you want me to.)

"Smoking Kills, but only Love can break your heart."

-Ville Hermanni Valo





HIM albums:

Razorblade Romance

Deep Shadows and Brillaint Highlights

Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666

Love Metal

And Love Said No

The Single Collection



Banner, thanx to [Sombre] its

{}D {} {}\/{} {}D {} {}\{}


just copy that code, but take out the


[Sombre] is the coolest man! thnax again!!!!!

copy code take out stars...


if anyone else makes a banner let me know,and I'll see if I should put it up or not;)

HIM obsessed members

HIM lyrics

HIM pics

More HIM stuff


The almighty Heartagram!


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2005-08-14 [Dark Sekret Love]: I have their new video on My MySpace as well... I'm in Love with it. <3

2005-08-14 [--Insert interesting person here--]: hey chemicals and sekret....i have myspace too! should look me up.

2005-08-14 [~Nyx~]: I know, at first I was mad at MTV for not playing any music anymore, just programms like pimp my ride an such, but then they took it away, and I miss it. :( love the cover though :D

2005-08-15 [Gem In Eye]: wow it been a while hows every one with all their confusion

2005-08-15 [--Insert interesting person here--]: my confusion is.....well...confusing. yea, now that i know wuts going on without having to read 567 pages, mtv really is starting to suck. i mean...laguna beach? wtf's up with that! (though i'm ashamed to admit that i tune in for an episode once in a while!) i dont even like trl anymore cuz of all the damn screaming and those stupid games and everything. plus, they only show small clips of the songs. and when jamie fox was on a few weeks ago, it ruined it for me. i no longer watch trl.

2005-08-15 [--Insert interesting person here--]: we should all go on strike. no more trl watching until they change it aorund a bit!

2005-08-17 [Gem In Eye]: i never really like trl because all the videos are overly interuppted and its full of a bunch of hip hop and rap but barely any rock! punk, goth, emo, hard, metal, whatever!

2005-08-17 [--Insert interesting person here--]: yea it sux lesbian cock! lol (no offense if there are any lez's in here...but "eats gay 'gina" didnt sound as funny in my head!)

2005-08-22 [AshAsphyxiation]: Dark light is being released in the US Sept. 27, elsewhere on Sept. 26. I love the video. i cant stop playing the song. as to which is true, i heard that rip out the wings of a butterfly is being released as a single elsewhere. itll probably get here a week after that or so. still not sure though. go to <> or if anyone wants to, they can join my wiki H.I.M Fanatics there isnt much there. please join!!

2005-08-22 [Saturn of the Jester]: Yay!!! I love the new song!! I am ashamed to admit this, but for a while I had stopped listening to HIM because I had heard all my CDs too many times. Please forgive me!!!!! But this song renewed my interst in them...........

2005-08-23 [AshAsphyxiation]: Saturn... I am disappointed. Who can not love Ville? He is a gorgeous, beautiful man. We should slap you for that. *slap*

2005-08-23 [Saturn of the Jester]: Owwww..........I'm so sorry!! But I am not only to blame!! My family was getting sick of hearing HIM, so I had to quit playing it for them *crys*. Then to top it off, my friend took my favorite HIM CD, Razorblade Romance, and she still has it!!

2005-08-26 [--Insert interesting person here--]: ur sitting next to me in 4th right now saturn....moo

2005-08-26 [Shinras Number One]: Hey take that back! I did not take it, you let me borrow it, and I have offered for you to come get your CD for sometime now. I no longer need it because I bought it in Pennsylvania. By the way, I also want to tell you I get to wear my Ville costume in a play I'm doing Friday.

2005-08-27 [Rolo]: Ville was on tv last night at the kerrang awards, why the hell are greenday best band on the planet?

2005-08-27 [Sinistra.]: cool! are they?

2005-08-27 [Gem In Eye]: neatos i guess!

2005-08-27 [Rolo]: *i hate greenday*

2005-08-27 [Sinistra.]: I like em... almost as much as HIM

2005-08-27 [~Nyx~]: who said they were the best band on the planet?

2005-08-29 [--Insert interesting person here--]: santa and his merry lil band o' leprecons

2005-08-29 [Gem In Eye]: hey i luuurvs greend day, they are in the top five on my list, but H.I.M. is so much better!

2005-08-30 [Rolo]: wow thank you for not giving me a hammering usually if i stress my opinion i get it rammed down my throat HIM RULE!!! *~Nyx~ kerrang awards said it *bastards*

2005-08-30 [--Insert interesting person here--]: aaaaaaanywho, HIM really really REALLY needs to start another US tour...maybe i'll actually make it to a concert this time. shut up, [Saturn of the Jester] i might actually go to one cuz hopefully i'll have a job soon. :P

2005-08-31 [~Nyx~]: you`re welcome :)

2005-08-31 [Saturn of the Jester]: I like GreenDay too, but I like HIM better!!

2005-08-31 [--Insert interesting person here--]: who? :P

2005-09-02 [Rolo]: lol!

2005-09-03 [~Nyx~]: Anyone here who wants to start a conversation in the Ville wiki? It`s been kinda slow for a while, and is in need of some rescue. :)

2005-09-05 [Gem In Eye]: I agree! it been boring and nobody sez a word (been like that for a couple mnths?)

2005-09-06 [Frivalicious]: the single wings of a butterfly...<img:>

2005-09-06 [Gem In Eye]: it looks awesome!!!!! oh at this one shoe store (they sell adio brand shooes!) it had black suede shoes with purple heartagrams, H.I.M., and stuff!!!!!!! freakin sweet!

2005-09-27 [Shinras Number One]: I am going to get the Dark Light CD today! I can't wait!

2005-09-27 [Frivalicious]: I have it and I love it...

2005-09-28 [Shinras Number One]: I have it now. ^_^

2005-09-28 [Rolo]:

I have DARK LIGHT!!!! and a poster!

2005-09-28 [Sinistra.]: D: you bish!!

2005-09-29 [Rolo]: bish? LOL

2005-09-30 [sXe=clean punk]: i love HIM. fav song- buried alive by love

2005-09-30 [Rolo]: i can't choose a favorite song, i love them all!

2005-09-30 [Frivalicious]: so do I..

2005-09-30 [Sinistra.]: i got dark light!!

2005-10-01 [Rolo]: :D! me too!

2005-10-02 [Gem In Eye]: i agree and damn you all to hell (well all of those who have the new album!)

2005-10-02 [Sinistra.]: :D :D

2005-10-03 [Rolo]: LOL! hell is enjoyable ;)

2005-10-04 [Gem In Eye]: rite!?

2005-10-06 [Rolo]: i love vampire heart - it really perks me up on the bus :)

2005-10-07 [Shinras Number One]: I love that song too.

2005-10-07 [fear and love]: it's one of there best

2005-10-07 [Sinistra.]: I like 'drunk on shadows' and 'under the rose'

2005-10-07 [fear and love]: under the rose jsut as good as vampire heart

2005-10-08 [Rolo]: they all rock!

2005-10-08 [Frivalicious]: indeed!

2005-11-22 [Nirre]: only 58 days till I go see them for the 2nd time.. woo!

2005-11-28 [Frivalicious]: For the secont time!? I haven't seen them live on time!

2005-11-28 [Nirre]: aww dear, you are deprived that is a shame!

2005-11-28 [Nirre]: aww dear, you are deprived that is a shame! you have to go!!

2005-11-28 [Gem In Eye]: neither have i!!!!!!! it sux i want to go see HIM in concert! *pouts* i agree the whole album kicks major ass

2005-11-29 [Rolo]: me too

2005-11-29 [Nirre]: you poor people *hands cookie* have a cookie for compensation x.

2005-11-30 [fear and love]: thats rather random

2005-11-30 [Nirre]: ^___^ almost christmas.. the season of love, caring, sharing, grovelling and RANDOMNESS! and the season on fun so smile y'all!

2005-12-06 [Rolo]: :D! i bought a HIM vinyl the other day :D it's gorgous

2005-12-06 [~Nyx~]: erm....what happend to the pictures here? there`s allmost none left... o.O

2005-12-08 [Gem In Eye]: seriously.......

2005-12-27 [RA!]: Emerson Burton- Keyboardist (likes cowboy guys are a HIM fanclub but you dont even know his name? its burton emerson...

2005-12-28 [Ultiem]: i dont speak of what i dont know..see that way they dont bitch when i screw up lol

2005-12-28 [Gem In Eye]: why and when was burton emerson brought up

2006-01-25 [xXxHeavenly DemonicxXx]: i am bputting thay in my bio ˆ_ˆ

2006-03-05 [Gem In Eye]: i just bought a killing lonliness cheapo (fake zippo) its so cool!!!!!!!

2006-03-13 [Illona]: Sweet a wiki for one of the best bands alive.

2006-03-14 [Gem In Eye]: hells ya!  (PS i should probably stop changing my name huh?)

2006-03-14 [Illona]: ~chuckled~ Yo! (never knew your name before so yeah)

2006-03-16 [Gem In Eye]: it used to be in black abyss, then death angel in a straight jacket, then it was death angel falling into abyss, then it was straight jacket fallen, then back to death angel falling into abyss, then finally to angel with ya, that was my name history since about september

2006-03-16 [Illona]: Wow that is alot of names...Lol but i shoudlnt be talking I alway schange my name when i feel liek

2006-03-17 [Gem In Eye]: lol, me too! ^_^

2006-03-18 [Illona]: i cant remeber

2006-03-18 [Gem In Eye]: lol

2006-03-18 [Illona]: Yeah i know im so weird...Lol

2006-03-19 [Gem In Eye]: if you werent weird, you'd be normal, and being normal is the weirdest f*cking thing in the whole world

2006-03-19 [Illona]: Lol alrighty then...Lol So what are you up 2?

2006-03-19 [Gem In Eye]: not much, tlkin to my b/f and some friends, listenin 2 music...same ol same ol

2006-03-19 [Illona]: Lol sweet monkeys

2006-03-19 [Illona]: How come only half of the pics come in?

2006-04-11 [Dark Sekret Love]: Because I'm never on this shithole anymore and I never have time to update anything, and all the links are to websites that have been completly redone. MySpace is where I be.

2006-04-11 [Illona]: I MAY GO TO HIM ON MAY 20TH YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-12 [Gem In Eye]: u lucky ass!!!!!!!!!! and no offense to u dark sekret, im only (1/2) joking when i say this, but MY SPACE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-12 [Illona]: Lol I know I am a lucky AssXD

2006-04-14 [Gem In Eye]: lmao! ya.........;)

2006-04-14 [Illona]: ~dose the lucky ass dance~

2006-04-15 [Gem In Eye]: lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wat r shaking it on a 4 leaf clover or somethin?

2006-04-15 [--Insert interesting person here--]: Aw, I love MySpace. :( Soo, I'm too lazy to scroll through 8 months of conversation, what have I missed?

2006-04-15 [Gem In Eye]: sry, i cant stands it....but thats me....the only thing i like on there is music and my friends greg's video!

2006-04-16 [--Insert interesting person here--]: Why don't you like it? I favour it over Elftown because its more customizable.

2006-04-16 [*Boo-Boo*]: Can I join?

2006-04-16 [Illona]: Go ahead and join

2006-04-18 [*Boo-Boo*]: Thanks.

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Yeppers

2006-04-18 [Keii]: Hey everyone, haven't said hi in a while... if anyone remembers who I am that is :p

2006-04-18 [Illona]: I dont know you, never met ya but I will gladly say "Hello."

2006-04-18 [Keii]: I don't know you either - I chatted on the other HIM wiki's more I think... but 'ello anyway

2006-04-18 [Illona]: I GET TO GO TO THE CONCERT ON MAY 20TH. Now all i need is to get my ticket.YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE SAID YES YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Lol sorry about that, what other wiki's well I know there is more but i could never find them.

2006-04-18 [Keii]: You can never find them?! OO My god theres hundreds (okay, I lie... a few maybe ;)). H.I.M <-- My own baby. Hang on, I'll get the names of the rest. Always get them all mixed up

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Lol you want me to join it and what not?

2006-04-18 [Keii]: him, him fans, Anti-Jonna, cult of him, Heartagram, ville valo, ville valo fanclub <--- And the rest. There is a few more image pages etc. The links are on the pages though.

2006-04-18 [Keii]: I've possibly missed some, but not too sure at the moment. Yeah sure, anyone is free to join :)

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Alrighty

2006-04-20 [Gem In Eye]: dont forget ville

2006-04-20 [Gem In Eye]: you know, im not sure exactly why, it just doesnt appeal to me (my space), its loads more difficult, and elftown is full of ppl who are so frikin awesome. they dont randomly message me w/ "you are: or do: this....., that wrong, goin to hell", bullshit lame crap like that. I have a lot of friens that have my space, i just dont like it though

2006-04-20 [Keii]: Thanks [Gem In Eye] :)

2006-04-22 [Gem In Eye]: ur wlecome [Keii]

2006-06-08 [lordjoesnow]: HELLOOOOO im new!!!

2006-06-08 [Gem In Eye]: woah! hehe i know you! lol remember: joe's day has just recently passed!

2006-06-09 [lordjoesnow]: haha, yeh poor joes day...i want another one

2006-06-11 [Gem In Eye]: well keep cracking jokes about emo kids and u'll probably get another one

2006-06-11 [lordjoesnow]: dont give people an impression that i dislike emos.....u know my brother said that him is emo :O

2006-06-11 [Gem In Eye]: him....emo? no no no there is a big dif between emo music and emo ppl......and i didnt say u dont like emo's....i just said u have funny jokes

2006-06-13 [lordjoesnow]: good, cos emos are fine in my books...not that i've ever written any...nor have i read any...

2006-06-13 [Gem In Eye]: lol thats funny........ya emo kids are cool sometimes...but still the whole book thing was funny!

2006-06-23 [lordjoesnow]: yeh..books are laffable

2006-06-23 [Gem In Eye]: lmao....u win an award for best joke ever

2006-06-26 [lordjoesnow]: *celebrates with sumasaults*

2006-07-02 [Gem In Eye]: *presents the award all nonchalantly-like* lol

2006-07-07 [lordjoesnow]: damn i wanted an awards on bbc 1!

2006-07-11 [Gem In Eye]: lol....too bad! :P

2006-07-11 [lordjoesnow]: well that sucks

2006-07-11 [Gem In Eye]: hahahaha yup! lol

2006-07-14 [lordjoesnow]: on the new album my favourite song was killing loneliness, then it was vampire heart...then it was dark light but now it is under the rose

2006-07-14 [Gem In Eye]: i loooove under the rose

2006-07-15 [lordjoesnow]: how can u burn in water and drown in flames? its really cleverly wierd

2006-07-16 [Rolo]: it's a beautiful metaphor

2006-07-16 [Gem In Eye]: yes it is......gorgeous........ilove it

2006-07-17 [Rolo]: so do i, i was hooked on that song the moment i got the album :)

2006-07-18 [Sinistra.]: Duuuude, is Ville married yet?

2006-07-18 [Gem In Eye]: HOLY SHIT! ME TOO!!!'ve always loved that song......idk is he? i hope not! *crosses fingers*

2006-07-18 [Sinistra.]: Well... it's gotta happen sometime o_o;;

2006-07-18 [Gem In Eye]: i know...i want him to be happy....but i'll forever be jealous! lol

2006-07-18 [Sinistra.]: Yeah.. oh well... I'm sure there are plently of Ville Valo look a likes out there xD

2006-07-19 [Rolo]: and they're all in finland

2006-07-19 [Gem In Eye]: lol knowing my luck they probably all are in finland

2006-07-19 [Sinistra.]: Haha, that's true

2006-07-19 [Gem In Eye]: lol i know right!? *pouts* stupid non-existant luck.....*pouts some more*

2006-07-19 [Gem In Eye]: lol j/k.........^_^

2006-07-20 [lordjoesnow]: well i wouldn't be so sure about there being ville valo lookalikes in finland..cos that would mean there would also be rasmus lookalikes and lordi lookalikes living there too lol

2006-07-20 [Sinistra.]: Now that would be interesting

2006-07-23 [Rolo]: i find the finnish people have a certain appealing look about them (with the exception of that rasmus prat)

2006-07-24 [Gem In Eye]: finnish guys./....finnish chics.....*drools*

2006-07-24 [Sinistra.]: hehe, are they all pale and thin? O_o

2006-07-25 [Gem In Eye]: no...but they're all gorgeous

2006-07-26 [Sinistra.]: ah... o_o

2006-07-26 [Gem In Eye]: lol sry...^_^

2006-08-06 [lordjoesnow]: hmmmm i dno bout that

2006-10-28 [Gem In Eye]: como qe va?

2006-10-29 [lordjoesnow]: eugh..a comedian:P

2006-11-09 [Gem In Eye]: where! *gets ready to pounce*

2006-11-10 [lordjoesnow]: pounce ur self? sounds like a plan!! haha

2006-11-15 [Gem In Eye]: *attempts and starts spinning in ciricles* lol

2006-11-25 [lordjoesnow]: wow....what u been on:P?

2006-12-02 [Gem In Eye]: catnip! dontcha know ima kitty! =^.^=

lol...naw i just get hyperness tee-hee.....

2006-12-02 [lordjoesnow]: are H.I.M. metal? cos my frends argue with me about it saying i dont listen to metal..i just listen to rock pop crap, like H.I.M.....i dont get it..they lsiten to power metal rubbish yet im the one losing the arguement:S

2006-12-02 [Sinistra.]: I wouldn't say HIM are metal

2006-12-04 [Dark Sekret Love]: HIM isn't metal. They're gothglamrock. Kthanks

2006-12-04 [Rolo]: i'd say the guitar is metal especially on love metal it's just not the usual scream your face off metal (don't get me wrong, i'm a fan of norther, metal all the way!) that's my opinion anyhoo, the drums aren't very metal at all, they're pretty standard rock ... i'm getting all techy HIM RULE!! and i'm back...

2006-12-07 [lordjoesnow]: well he can sing so thats good enuf for me :D

2006-12-10 [Gem In Eye]: someone told me that (especially b/c of the albumn) they made it into their own metal

2006-12-10 [Rolo]: yeah i think 'love metal' pretty much sums them up

2006-12-20 [lordjoesnow]: someone laffed wen i called ther genre love metal...
but they listen to cripe power metal
i bought my friend HIMs album for christmas..its not usually her 'thing' but im getting ther lol

2006-12-20 [Rolo]: haha sway everyone

2006-12-22 [Gem In Eye]: amen! all hail the almighty power of H.I.M.

2006-12-22 [Rolo]: <img:61691_1126352591.gif> HAIL!

2006-12-23 [Gem In Eye]: <img:44166_1164903241.gif>runs to start worshipping

2007-04-09 [lordjoesnow]: my summerwine :P

2007-04-10 [Rolo]: <img:stuff/sm-gif.gif>

2007-04-10 [lordjoesnow]: how do u get these mad pictures?<img:44166_1164145253.gif>......ohhh thats how <img:44166_1164469620.gif>

2007-04-14 [Rolo]: :D haha and now you see. HIM in metal hammer again! YAY

2007-04-22 [Gem In Eye]: *faints*

2007-04-29 [lordjoesnow]: :| but all my buds say they arnt metal :(

2007-04-30 [Rolo]: well I think they are a sub genre of metal. They aren't norther-kind death metal, they aren't slayer 'i'm gonna kill all your babies and stuff their heads down your throat' they're just nice soothing metal a bit like type o negative only with more punch :D

2007-05-16 [lordjoesnow]: i dont understand!!!!! lol. i call them love metal hehe..and my friends laff

2007-05-17 [Rolo]: ignore your friends :P HIM RULE!

2007-05-19 [lordjoesnow]: lol i think your right. i shud ignore my friends alltogether..what utter crap faces they be

2007-05-21 [Rolo]: haha! some of mine can be like that.. bastards :D My favorite bastards though. <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2007-05-22 [lordjoesnow]: haha gotta love ur bastards :P

2007-05-23 [Rolo]: but of course! HIM need to come back real quick or I need to get the money to buy the uneasy listening volumes lol either way, I need to satisfy my needs

2007-06-18 [lordjoesnow]: lol i downloaded both uneasy listenings cos they arnt really new songs..they are unworthy of purchasing but his new album is out in the next few months :D

2007-06-29 [Gem In Eye]: im excited! i cant wait! and yes very much like type o...with more punch....thats a perfect way to describe.......i <3 the type o- anyways

2007-07-06 [Rolo]: <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif> he he can we wait until the deadline of should we go out shouting on the streets now? frankly i'm not sure if i can hold out

2007-07-08 [Gem In Eye]: i dun kno....whatta ya think.... (u r tlkn bout wat i tink riiiiight)

2007-07-24 [Rolo]: haha we should bombard the record company.. with ... flags! and signs!

2007-07-25 [Gem In Eye]: i just cant wait til aug 3 cas im going to the projekt revolution concert in selma, tx

2007-08-13 [Gem In Eye]: <img:>

2007-08-13 [Gem In Eye]: i went to projekt revolution and it was fucking amazing!

2007-08-13 [*Boo-Boo*]: Those pictures are great<img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2007-08-19 [lordjoesnow]: :O i wudda loved that! especially if HIM and linkin park did a duet!!! how fit wud that be?!?!

2007-08-21 [*Boo-Boo*]: that would be cool

2007-08-27 [Gem In Eye]: i could totally dig it! but ya'll have to thank mah bestest estest friend ashly for taking the pix.... [Faery Rule]

2007-09-02 [lordjoesnow]: i love ur best friend! hehee

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